Please contact if you have any questions regarding the IFBB PRO rules.

Non-sanctioned Contest or Event Policy

As an IFBB PRO, I agree not to compete, judge, or appear onstage (except to guest pose) at a contest unless the contest is sanctioned by the IFBB Professional League.  I also agree not to promote, advertise, endorse, or use (or allow others to use) my name and/or likeness to publicize a non-sanctioned contest or event.

As a sponsored athlete, I may guest pose, give a seminar, or appear at a display booth, meet and greet, or as a brand ambassador at a non-sanctioned contest or event.  I may also coach a competitor or attend as a spectator.

I acknowledge and accept that the IFBB Professional League does not authorize me, my sponsor or anyone else to use “IFBB PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE”, “IFBB PRO LEAGUE”, “IFBBPRO”, or the IFBB Professional League logo in any publicity for a non-sanctioned contest or event.  I agree not to promote, advertise, or otherwise endorse a non-sanctioned contest or event on my social media, which includes images portraying names and/or logos of organizations that are not recognized by the IFBB Professional League.

Social Media Policy

IFBB PRO members, whether Active or Inactive, may not promote, advertise, publicize, or endorse organizations or contests unless they are recognized or sanctioned by the IFBB Professional League.  Members may not display images, photographs or video on their social media that contain the name or logo of organizations or contests unless they are recognized or sanctioned by the IFBB Professional League.

Please email Tony Blinn if you have any questions.


1. The rules governing how amateur athletes qualify for IFBB PRO status are located at these links:


2. An athlete has up to one year from the date the athlete qualifies for IFBB PRO status to register with the IFBB Professional League.

3. After registering, an athlete may choose:

  • to pay the membership fee and become an Active member. Active members receive an IFBB PRO card and may compete in IFBB PRO contests; or
  • to not pay the membership fee and remain an Inactive member. Inactive members do not receive an IFBB PRO card and may not compete in IFBB PRO contests.

4. If an athlete does not register within one year, the athlete’s qualification will be canceled.

5. An athlete has up to one year from the date of registration to become an Active member.

6. If an athlete does not become an Active member within one year, the athlete’s membership will be canceled.

7. If an athlete’s qualification or membership is canceled, the athlete may requalify at a Pro Qualifier.


7. An Active member who chooses not to renew his or her membership automatically becomes an Inactive member and may remain Inactive for up to three years.

8. If a member does not become Active within the three-year period, the member’s IFBB PRO status will be canceled.

9. Athletes who held IFBB PRO status before 2023 and who have not renewed their membership have until December 31, 2025 to become Active members; otherwise, their IFBB PRO status will be canceled.

Dear Athletes,

A comprehensive Contest Contracts Guide is now available, which includes detailed instructions and documentation for how to submit Contract Applications.  Additionally, this Guide includes very important Rules and Regulations pertaining to Contract Applications, including deadlines.

It is imperative that all IFBB Pro Athletes review the guide and familiarize themselves with these rules.

As a reminder, the Contract Application deadline for any contest is the Monday prior to the contest at 3pm Eastern Time.  After this deadline, no new Contract Applications will be accepted, no classes will be permitted to be added, no classes will be permitted to be removed.  In other words, no changes will be made to any Competitor List information or Contest data after the Contract Application deadline.

For additional information, see the Contest Contracts Guide:

*Please contact if there are any issues with the Pro Competition Rules.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following eight mandatory poses in the order shown:

  • Front double biceps
  • Front lat spread
  • Side chest
  • Back double biceps
  • Back lat spread
  • Side triceps
  • Abdominals and thighs
  • Most muscular

2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

3. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


5. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of three minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

6. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

8. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


9. The Judging and Finals are each valued at 50% of the final score.

Other Competition Rules

10. For all rounds, competitors must wear trunks of a solid, non-distracting color, made from cloth fabric, which are clean and decent. Metallic material, such as gold or silver lame, or shiny rubberized material, may not be used to make up the trunks. The use of padding anywhere in the trunks is prohibited. The trunks and/or the competitor’s body must not contain any commercial advertising and/or endorsements. If a competitor’s trunks do not conform to the above rules, or do not conform to acceptable standards of taste and decency, the head judge has authority to direct that the competitor change his trunks, failing which the competitor may be disqualified.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the trunks at Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear footwear, watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

13. The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.

14. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

15. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.

*Note: Athletes with extended abdominal/stomach muscles will be scored down in both Judging and Finals.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following eight mandatory poses in the order shown:

  • Front double biceps
  • Front lat spread
  • Side chest
  • Back double biceps
  • Back lat spread
  • Side triceps
  • Abdominals and thighs
  • Most muscular

2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

3. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


5. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of three minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

6. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

8. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


9. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

10. For all rounds, competitors must wear trunks of a solid, non-distracting color, made from cloth fabric, which are clean and decent. Metallic material, such as gold or silver lame, or shiny rubberized material, may not be used to make up the trunks. The use of padding anywhere in the trunks is prohibited. The trunks and/or the competitor’s body must not contain any commercial advertising and/or endorsements. If a competitor’s trunks do not conform to the above rules, or do not conform to acceptable standards of taste and decency, the head judge has authority to direct that the competitor change his trunks, failing which the competitor may be disqualified.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the trunks at Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear footwear, watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

13. The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.

14. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

15. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.

*Note: Athletes with extended abdominal/stomach muscles will be scored down in both Judging and Finals.

Heights & Weights

Up to & including 5' 4"162.6Up to & including 177 lbs80.3
Up to & including 5' 5"165.1Up to & including 182 lbs82.6
Up to & including 5' 6"167.6Up to & including 187 lbs84.8
Up to & including 5' 7"170.2Up to & including 192 lbs87.1
Up to & including 5' 8"172.7Up to & including 197 lbs89.4
Up to & including 5' 9"175.3Up to & including 204 lbs92.5
Up to & including 5' 10"177.8Up to & including 212 lbs96.2
Up to & including 5' 11"180.3Up to & including 219 lbs99.3
Up to & including 6' 0"182.9Up to & including 227 lbs103.0
Up to & including 6' 1"185.4Up to & including 234 lbs106.1
Up to & including 6' 2"188.0Up to & including 242 lbs109.8
Up to & including 6' 3"190.5Up to & including 249 lbs112.9
Up to & including 6' 4"193.0Up to & including 256 lbs116.1
Up to & including 6' 5"195.6Up to & including 263 lbs119.3
Up to & including 6' 6"198.1Up to & including 270 lbs122.5
Up to & including 6' 7"200.7Up to & including 277 lbs125.6
Over 6' 7"200.7Up to & including 284 lbs128.8


1. The entire lineup is called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

2. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

3. Each competitor is then called back onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following five mandatory poses in the order shown:

  • Front double biceps
  • Side chest
  • Back double biceps
  • Abdominals and thighs
  • Favorite classic pose (no most muscular)

4. The entire lineup is then called back onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

5. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


6. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of two minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

7. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

8. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

9. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


10. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

11. For all rounds, competitors must wear trunks that are clean and decent and that meet the following specifications:

  • Style: Plain, opaque (no briefs or underwear)
  • Color: Solid black
  • Fabric: Spandex (no shiny, rubberized, velvet, metallic or lamé material)
  • Texture: Matt
  • Length: see note below
  • Front: One solid piece of material across the front of the trunks with no patch or section of different material in the middle
  • Padding: No padding anywhere in the trunks
  • Advertising: No advertising or endorsements except that small manufacturer logos are permitted

12. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the trunks at Judging and Finals.

13. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear footwear, watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

14. The use of props during the Judging and Finals is prohibited.

15. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

16. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.

*Note: Effective January 1, 2019, all Men’s Classic Physique competitors, both IFBB Pro and NPC, will compete in Classic Physique Posing Trunks.

Competitors are required to wear the same type of cut and all Classic Physique Posing Trunks that are worn in competition must be black and no less than 4‐1/2 Inches in width on the sides/hips.  See photo below.

You may purchase Classic Physique Posing Trunks at

Heights & Weights

Up to & including 5' 4"162.6Up to & including 167 lbs75.7
Up to & including 5' 5"165.1Up to & including 172 lbs78.0
Up to & including 5' 6"167.6Up to & including 177 lbs80.3
Up to & including 5' 7"170.2Up to & including 182 lbs82.6
Up to & including 5' 8"172.7Up to & including 187 lbs84.8
Up to & including 5' 9"175.3Up to & including 194 lbs88.0
Up to & including 5' 10"177.8Up to & including 202 lbs91.6
Up to & including 5' 11"180.3Up to & including 209 lbs94.8
Up to & including 6' 0"182.9Up to & including 217 lbs98.4
Up to & including 6' 1"185.4Up to & including 224 lbs101.6
Up to & including 6' 2"188.0Up to & including 232 lbs105.2
Up to & including 6' 3"190.5Up to & including 239 lbs108.4
Up to & including 6' 4"193.0Up to & including 246 lbs111.6
Up to & including 6' 5"195.6Up to & including 253 lbs114.8
Up to & including 6' 6"198.1Up to & including 260 lbs117.9
Up to & including 6' 7"200.7Up to & including 267 lbs121.1
Over 6' 7"200.7Up to & including 274 lbs124.3


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order, walks to the center of the stage, performs front and back turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

2. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the front and back turns. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

3. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the front and back turns. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


4. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order, walks to the center of the stage, performs front and back turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

5. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the front and back turns. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


6. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

7. For the Judging and Finals, competitors must wear board shorts with the following specifications:

  • They must be one inch below the navel.
  • They must extend to two inches above the kneecap and be tapered.
  • Spandex is prohibited.
  • Logos are prohibited except for a manufacturer’s logo

8. Competitors will compete shirtless and barefoot.

9. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the posing trunks at at Judging and Finals.

10. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

11. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.


  1. Each competitor is called onstage in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform their individual routine.
  2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage. The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.
  3. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and eight mandatory poses in the order shown below. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.
  • Front double biceps
  • Front lat spread
  • Side chest
  • Back double biceps
  • Back lat spread
  • Side triceps
  • Abdominals
  • Most muscular
  1. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.
  2. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 90 seconds to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.
  3. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order for a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


  1. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.


  2. Competitors shall wear solid black pants. However, if an athlete has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing black pants, they are permitted to wear solid black shorts as an alternative. Regardless of their choice, the color must remain a consistent and non-distracting black tone, and the pants must not display any form of commercial advertising and/or endorsement.
  3. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to left side of the posing pants at Judging and Finals.
  4. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.
  5. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.

*Note: Athletes with extended abdominal/stomach muscles will be scored down in both Judging and Finals.


  1. Primary Wheelchair Use Requirement: Athletes must primarily use a wheelchair for at least 99% of their daily mobility needs. This means that their primary mode of movement and transportation should be the wheelchair. Athletes relying on crutches, canes or prosthetics for daily mobility are not eligible to compete in the wheelchair division. This strict adherence to wheelchair use ensures that athletes truly live the lifestyle of someone dependent on a wheelchair.
  2. Valid Mobility Impairments: The wheelchair division is open to athletes with a range of mobility impairments, including but not limited to paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and amputations. A comprehensive list of eligible conditions will be maintained by the NPC and IFBB Professional League, subject to periodic updates.
  3. Verified Disability Impact: Athletes participating in the wheelchair division must possess a verified physical disability that directly affects their mobility. This disability impact must be documented by appropriate medical professionals, ensuring that only those genuinely in need of wheelchair assistance are allowed to compete.
  4. “Grandfathered” Wheelchair Athletes: Athletes in the wheelchair division who have previously undergone a comprehensive assessment by both Nick Scott and the NPC & IFBB Professional League, and have received approval and sanctioning from the NPC and IFBB Professional League, are accorded the status of “grandfathered in.” These seasoned athletes are granted permission to compete in the wheelchair division without the need for reevaluation, a testament to their unwavering dedication and steadfast adherence to the established regulations.
  5. Ongoing Evaluation and Approval: Nick Scott, serving as the official NPC and IFBB Professional League Representative for the Wheelchair Division, or in the role of an authorized NPC and/or IFBB Professional League Representative, will consistently evaluate the eligibility of participating athletes. Athletes whose eligibility comes under scrutiny during Wheelchair Pro Qualifiers will undergo a review process overseen by Nick Scott. Ultimately, the NPC and IFBB Professional League hold the responsibility for making the final determination of division eligibility, thereby guaranteeing transparency and equitable assessment.
  6. Lifestyle Consistency: Athletes competing in the wheelchair division are expected to maintain a lifestyle consistent with their mobility needs. This includes using the wheelchair for daily activities, transportation, and public appearances related to their participation in the sport. Athletes found to be deviating from this lifestyle commitment may face penalties, including disqualification from competitions.
  7. Random Spot Checks: To ensure compliance with the wheelchair usage requirement, random spot checks may be conducted by officials before, during, or after competitions. Athletes must be prepared to demonstrate their mobility dependence on the wheelchair during these spot checks, further emphasizing the importance of consistent adherence. These spot checks may include examinations of the wheelchair’s components, such as cushioning, upholstery, and specific wear and tear patterns resulting from training. Inspections might focus on areas such as the rims, sides of the chair, and footrests, verifying that the equipment reflects the genuine use of the wheelchair in training and daily activities.
  8. Documentation and Medical Records: If requested, athletes must provide valid medical documentation that supports their eligibility for the wheelchair division. This documentation should include medical records, diagnosis, and other relevant information. Failure to provide accurate and up-to-date documentation may result in disqualification.
  9. Wheelchair Upholstery and Spoke Guards: The upholstery on the back of the wheelchair must not feature any form of “commercial advertising and/or endorsement” and should be fabricated from a “solid, non-distracting color.” Similarly, the spoke guards attached to the wheelchair must not display any “commercial advertising and/or endorsement.” Athletes who have previously employed Wheelchair Upholstery and Spoke Guards that have been approved by the NPC and IFBB Professional League will be granted grandfathered status, enabling them to continue competing under the previously sanctioned equipment.
  10. Pants and Shoes: Athletes are required to wear solid black pants as part of their attire. However, if an athlete has a medical condition that prevents them from wearing black pants, they are permitted to wear solid black shorts as an alternative. Regardless of their choice, the color must remain a consistent and non-distracting black tone, and the pants must not display any form of “commercial advertising and/or endorsement.”

While it is recommended for athletes to wear shoes, they also have the option to choose not to wear them. Athletes are encouraged to keep their feet and shoes within the confines of their wheelchairs whenever possible.

By implementing these comprehensive rules and guidelines, the Wheelchair Division ensures fair competition and upholds the integrity of the category by emphasizing the genuine use of wheelchairs and the shared experiences of athletes with mobility impairments.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following seven mandatory poses in the order shown:

  • Front double biceps
  • Front lat spread
  • Side chest
  • Back double biceps
  • Back lat spread
  • Side triceps
  • Abdominals and thighs

2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

3. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses.  The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


5. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of three minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

6. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

8. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


9. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

10. For all rounds, competitors must wear a two-piece bikini of a solid, non-distracting color, made from cloth fabric, which is clean and decent.  Metallic material, such as gold or silver lame, or shiny rubberized material, may not be used to make up the bikini.  The fastenings of the bikini must be plain with no attached ornamentation.  The bikini must reveal both the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles.  The use of padding anywhere in the bikini is prohibited.  The bikini and/or the competitor’s body must not contain any commercial advertising and/or endorsements.  If a competitor’s bikini does not conform to the above rules, or does not conform to acceptable standards of taste and decency, the head judge has authority to direct that the competitor change her bikini, failing which the competitor may be disqualified.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini bottom during Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear footwear, watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.  The hair must be worn off the shoulders so as not to hide the musculature of the upper back and shoulders.  The hair may be styled for the Finals.

13. The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.

14. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

15. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation.  The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan.  Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited.  Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

2. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns.  The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

3. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


4. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of two minutes to perform a fitness routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

5. The fitness routine must contain the following mandatory movements in any order:

  • push up (of any kind)
  • high kick
  • straddle hold
  • side split

6. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


8. The Judging and Finals are valued at 33% and 67% respectively.

Other Competition Rules

9. For the Judging, competitors must wear a two-piece bikini, the color and style of which is at the competitor’s choice.  The bikini must cover a minimum of one-half of the buttocks area.  G-strings are prohibited.  Footwear (high-heels) must be worn.

10. For the Finals fitness routine, competitors may wear costumes of their own choosing, however, the costume must cover a minimum of one-half of the buttocks area.  G-strings are prohibited.  Footwear is at the discretion of the competitor.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini at Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

13. The use of props is permitted under the following conditions:

  • If a competitor intends to use a prop they must be able to transport and/or carry it on stage and off stage by themselves. Prior approval of the IFBB Professional League must be obtained in advance of the competition, failing which the use of the prop may be disallowed.  If the prop requires the assistance of anyone else, it will not be allowed.
  • Props that leave material onstage that may present a safety hazard and/or that require the stage to be cleaned before further use are prohibited.
  • Any item discarded during the routine must be removed by the competitor before exiting the stage without causing any delay in the competition.

14. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the fitness routine music is prohibited.

15. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation.  The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan.  Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited.  Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

2. The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns.  The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

3. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


4. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, performs four quarter turns and then forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

5. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


6. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

7. For the Judging and Finals, competitors must wear a two-piece bikini, the color and style of which is at the competitor’s discretion.  The bikini must cover a minimum of one-half of the buttocks area.  G-strings are prohibited.  Footwear (high-heels) must be worn.

8. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini bottom during Judging and Finals.

9. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

10. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation.  The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan.  Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited.  Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.


1. Competitors are called onstage in groups in numerical order and, under the direction of the head judge, perform a front and back pose.

2. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 45 seconds to perform a routine. The routine consists of front and back poses.

3. All competitors are then called back onstage and line up on diagonal lines at stage left and right. Center stage is left open for the callouts.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the front and back turns, as well as the Model Walk. The number and placement of competitors is at the discretion of the head judge.

5. Under the direction of the head judge, the Model Walk is performed as follows:

  • from a front pose, turn 180° towards the rear of the stage and adopt a back pose
  • walk to the rear of the stage and pause
  • turn 180° towards the front of the stage and walk back to the centerline


6. Competitors who place outside the top 10 finalists may be introduced onstage individually in numerical order. Each competitor walks to center stage, performs a front pose and walks offstage.

7. The finalists are then called onstage where they line up along diagonal lines at stage left and right. Center stage is left open for the callouts.

8. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the front and back turns, as well as the Model Walk. The number and placement of competitors is at the discretion of the head judge.

9. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 45 seconds to perform a routine. The routine consists of front and back poses.


10. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.


11. Competitors will compete in a two-piece bikini (“suit”) and high-heels. The bottom of the suit must be V-shaped. Thongs are not permitted. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must be in good taste. Athletes will be warned about improper suits and are therefore advised to bring two suits to check-in. If the front of the suit bottom is too low, the competitor will be instructed to change suits.

12. Competitors may wear jewelry.

13. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini bottom during Judging and Finals.


1. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 60 seconds to perform the following five mandatory poses in the order shown:

      • Front double biceps, with open hands (no flat-footed full front pose but instead, some type of front twisting pose)
      • Side chest, with arms extended
      • Back double biceps, with open hands
      • Side triceps, with leg extended
      • Abdominal and thighs

2. The entire lineup is then called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

3. The head judge directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns and mandatory poses.  The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.

4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses.  The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.


5. Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of two minutes to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.

6. The entire lineup is called onstage in numerical order and forms in equal numbers along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.  The center stage area is left clear for the callouts.

7. The head judge directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns and mandatory poses. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.

8. The competitors then perform a 60-second posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.


9. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.

Other Competition Rules

10. The bikini must reveal both the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles.  The use of padding anywhere in the bikini is prohibited.  The bikini and/or the competitor’s body must not contain any commercial advertising and/or endorsements.  If a competitor’s bikini does not conform to the above rules, or does not conform to acceptable standards of taste and decency, the head judge has authority to direct that the competitor change her bikini, failing which the competitor may be disqualified.

11. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini during Judging and Finals.

12. During the Judging and Finals, competitors do not wear footwear.

13. During the Judging, the hair must be worn off the shoulders so as not to hide the musculature of the upper back and shoulders.  The hair may be styled for the Finals.

14. During the Judging, competitors cannot wear watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation or artificial aids to the physique.

15. The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.

16. The use of vulgar, profane and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.

17. The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation.  The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan.  Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited.  Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.


  1. Competitors are called onstage in groups in numerical order and, under the direction of the head judge and starting from a front pose, perform quarter turns.
  2. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 45 seconds to perform their individual routine.
  3. All competitors are then called back onstage and line up on diagonal lines at stage left and right. Center stage is left open for the callouts.
  4. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns, as well as the Model Walk. The number and placement of competitors is at the discretion of the head judge.
  5. Under the direction of the head judge, the Model Walk is performed as follows:
  • from a front pose, turn 180° towards the rear of the stage and adopt a back pose
  • walk to the rear of the stage and pause
  • turn 180° towards the front of the stage and walk back to the centerline


  1. Competitors who place outside the top 10 finalists may be introduced onstage individually in numerical order. Each competitor walks to center stage, performs a front pose and walks offstage.
  2. The finalists are then called onstage where they line up along diagonal lines at stage left and right. Center stage is left open for the callouts.
  3. The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns, as well as the Model Walk. The number and placement of competitors is at the discretion of the head judge.
  4. Each competitor is then called onstage individually in numerical order and has up to a maximum of 45 seconds to perform their individual routine.


  1. The Judging is valued at 100%. During the Finals, and at the discretion of the head judge, the callouts may be a judged and scored “confirmation round”. In such cases, these scores will replace those of the Judging.


  1. Competitors will compete in a two-piece bikini (“suit”) and high-heels. The bottom of the suit must be V-shaped. Thongs are not permitted. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must be in good taste. Athletes will be warned about improper suits and are therefore advised to bring two suits to check-in. If the front of the suit bottom is too low, the competitor will be instructed to change suits.
  2. Competitors may wear jewelry.

13. The competitor’s number must be securely attached to the left side of the bikini bottom during Judging and Finals.