If you are a current or new IFBB Professional League Professional Athlete (you have achieved IFBB Pro status by winning your Pro Card at an IFBB Pro-Qualifying event), you may create/access your IFBB Pro Member Account below:


Please Note: If you have held an IFBB Pro Card in the past, your member account already exists; use the “Forgot/Reset Password” link to access.

Attention: All Athletes creating IFBB Professional League Member accounts are reviewed by IFBB Pro League staff. Do not create a Member Account in the IFBB Pro League membership system if you are not a Professional Athlete with the IFBB Pro League. If you are an Amateur Athlete (you have not yet achieved IFBB Pro Status by winning your IFBB Pro Card at an IFBB Pro-Qualifying event), you may create/access your NPC, NPC Worldwide or CPA Member Account below:

National Physique Committee of the USA:
(Amateur Athletes residing in the United States)

NPC Worldwide:
(Amateur Athletes residing outside of the United States & Canada)

Canadian Physique Alliance:
(Amateur Athletes residing in Canada)

Note that all contest registrations are done through the official registration and contest software of the NPC, NPC Worldwide and IFBB Pro League, Muscleware. For IFBB Pro Athletes, contract applications are made within the IFBB Pro League membership system. For all Amateur Athletes, contest registration may be done via the Contest Website, or the NPC News Online Calendar:
